A couple of years ago I had the opportunity with our family to be in a Mormon Message Video. I will be honest, back then that was a dream come true. We used to watch them all the...
Things to do when depressed, to be ready to go once you feel better
I describe depression as feeling like a person that wants to walk, and has done it their whole life and now can only crawl to their destination. It is extremely...
Oatmeal Bars Carmelitas Recipe
This decadent Carmelita Recipe adapted from Rockwell Icecream famous for icecream in Provo, UT and rich desserts.
Turn comparison and jealousy into inspiration for yourself
I have often struggled with having the false belief that there were super powerful people out there and fell for the discouraging belief that they were more capable than me when...
Recipe for Healthy Mac and Cheese
Don't ask don't tell is the policy for this one. Seriously though I recently stumbled upon the best recipe in the world. I watched my sister make something similar, and when I...
Things to believe and say when life feels tiring and discouraging
Lately I have learned that a lot of the moments in my life when I have felt completely discouraged, were because I was viewing life with a lense that told me that things were...