Do you ever feel like you want to share what makes you you, but you are not sure how? I think for years I have been conflicted as to what I wanted to be or do, but it was all...
Times with a grandmother and the lessons she taught me
In the summer of 2017 I decided to go to Europe with my kids for almost 3 months. I wanted the kids to practice Italian and spend some time with their grandpa and their...
Love your children at every stage and age
Tuesday April 24,2018 I love when the days are finally longer and the sun is out. I feel cheery. I remember the better days I have had here in Utah. Today was particularly a...
Teaching kids self control at a toy store
Yesterday afternoon we were happily playing in the park as a family, when I remembered that I needed some chewing toys for little Zara that is now 4 1/2 months old. I then also...
Reasons to Like a Minimalism Lifestyle
I haven't always liked being a minimalist. I didn't understand what it was. To me it seemed that you must be either poor or really in love with camping if you are doing it. You...
5 Natural Great Depression Solutions Without Medication
I know that I have not posted to my blog for a very long time. This summer we were out of the country for 3 months. I didn't have the best internet access so I was rarely on...