
Delicious and Healthy Spinach Puff Pastry – Easy Recipe

May 28, 2020

spinach puff pastry

Do you love spinach and puff pastry? If yes, this blog post is for you. With just a few simple ingredients, you can make delicious and healthy spinach puff pastry that’s sure to tantalize your taste buds. You’ll learn how to make spinach puff pastry from scratch and also tips on getting that perfect flaky texture. Keep reading and you’ll soon be munching on a delicious spinach puff pastry!

If you’re looking for a delicious and easy-to-make appetizer, look no further than spinach puff pastry. This recipe is perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a party, a family gathering, or just a casual get-together with friends.

I grew up with my mom making many salty cakes. Zucchini and spinach tortino were just some of her favorite versions of a good veggie filled puff pastry.[/caption]

Italian tortino

Now I still make it for our family for dinner. I love that it has a good balance of  carbs, protein, and vegetables all into one dish. We love to make it with a side of rice or a warm soup.



The kids trying not to burn themselves with the soup while devouring dinner. Sometimes yes, we do use some plastic dishes for dinner to save on clean up time.

You can find a quick video tutorial on how to make this recipe here: 


Italian Dinner Spinach Pie

spinach puff pastry









  • 1 sheet frozen puffpastry
  • 4° eggs
  • 2 cups frozen or fresh spinach (defrost and drain water first if using frozen store bought spinach)
  • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese (optional)
  • 6 slices bacon


  1. Remove puff pastry sheet from the freezer at least 15 minutes before starting to allow the dough to defrost. When using the store bough kind they will come with 2 sheets, and parchment paper included sometimes. You will only need one sheet of puff pastry for this recipe. Line a 3×9 glass baking pan with parchment paper. Open the puff pastry. When it’s softened and malleable it’s ready to use.
  2. With your hands or a pizza dough roller, gently and only slightly roll out dough on the counter top until it covers the entire bottom of the pan, plus all the sides. The four corners should emerge past the glass from the sides. You won’t need thin out the dough very much. Try and not over do it and not stretch and press down on the dough too much. By stretching it out just enough to have enough to cover your pan you will barely loose any thickness from the original sheet. Set it inside of your pan and on top of your parchment paper and keep all sides open like a box with the flaps coming off to the sides for right now.
  3. Cut the slices of bacon in half and line them across the bottom of the pan on top of the puff pastry.
  4. In a medium sized bowl, crack eggs open and mix them until yokes and whites are well incorporated. Add salt to taste. Add spinach and gently mix all ingredients together. Add the cheese, and mix it  with all ingredients. Pour the egg and spinach, and cheese mixture inside of the baking sheet on top of the puff pastry and bacon.
  5. Gently pour it in so it doesn’t splash and come off from the sides. Gently fold the corners of the puff pastry over the top of the pie. You may do so around all the sides or just the four corners if there is not a lot of dough left.
  6. Cook according to puff pastry package instructions. Length may vary depending on brand and oven used. Usually a good rule of thumb is to cook it at 350° for about 30 minutes.

This spinach puff pastry recipe is not only delicious, but it’s also easy to customize. You can add other ingredients to the filling, such as chopped mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, or diced bacon. You can also experiment with different types of cheese, such as goat cheese or shredded cheddar.

Spinach puff pastry is a delicious, vegetarian-friendly meal that is easy to make and customize. Just by following the simple instructions provided in this blog post, you can make an amazing spinach puff pastry from scratch. With these tips and tricks for achieving the perfect flaky texture, your spinach puff pastry will be a hit every time. 

Now that you have the knowledge, why not give spinach puff pastry a try? If you do make it, be sure to let us know how it went in the comments! And don’t forget to share your photos with us on social media. 

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Serena Essuman


Serena Essuman

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