
2 No instructions Needed Board Games Great for Every Age

Aug 7, 2018

One of the fondest memories I have of my childhood, are of our family playing board games. Whether with our siblings or with my parents. Both on the street or inside the home. We played a lot of card games, we would play ball outside, or went on bike rides.

I remember our first year of marriage that I went and bought every game I could think of during Black Friday. Other the years for quite a while it almost became a Christmas family tradition to buy a new board game.

family board games for every age no instructions neededPlaying board games was something that when I had kids I couldn’t wait to do with them. But it took us years to kind of get to that point just because our kids have always been so little. They either got too frustrated or just didn’t quite understand them. I am also highly competitive which made me sometimes get a bit frustrated. So we decided to let the board games be a lot of times until our kids would have been a bit older. Our oldest is now 8 and we are finally getting to that point which is really exciting. But lately I have decided to just try and find easier games that we could all enjoy.

I volunteer at our kids Schoo land I was super excited when we played HedBandz!

I would say is one of our best family board games of all time. We played it even more simply by describing the card to the kids that had it and they had to guess it. I often get giddy at dinner time because even our 2 year old likes to play it and we laugh a ton. I often get the card that says “Nuts” or “Potato” which seems to make my kids laugh their brains out.

I also like that sometimes we as parents are challenged which makes our kids feel good to see that just like them we don’t always win and sometimes take a minute to answer questions or guess things. I try and use a lot of our daily interactivity to show our kids that there aren’t just superheroes walking around us in life that are better at everything, we simply figure our different skills and tricks to get through life and find the answers we need and seek at times. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Next up we recently also discovered a very simple game that requires very little explanation and can be played with anyone. From young kids to adults. It’s not only a fun family game, but also a great group game to play and jump start a good laugh with friends. Here is the link to it! Happy Game Time!

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Serena Essuman


Serena Essuman

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