
Choosing the Theme for My Blog

May 12, 2018

3 Nephi 13:22
“Therefore, when ye shall do your alms do not sound a trumpet before you, as will hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward.”
Ok so, I used to have a little blog in the past. It was small page that I took pride in designing myself where I used to share a little bit of what my family and I did. When blogs first started it seemed as if everyone had one and liked to share about their family adventures. Blogging was the instagram of journals. Eventually, because of privacy concerns and because I didn’t really feel the need to show off to the world everything I was doing, I decided to stop.
There were a few times where I just posted some of my personal views and feelings about the world, but I decided not to keep going.
Years passed by, and I have always wanted to actually write a book. I told myself though that I wasn’t ready and that I wanted to learn a little bit more about life and work on how to express my feelings that I would share online.
Recently, I finally came to the conclusion that as I go through life I often am learning little bits of truth. When I  get those thoughts, I often want to share those feelings and little bits of light with everyone. I often see people struggling and I just wish I could share with them what I know and what has worked for me so far. For that reason I realized that the best way to share that would be through a blog. So here I am.
I haven’t had the easiest life, nor was it was most difficult, but I feel that because I have gone through a lot and I have been able to learn from it, I would like to share with you what I have learned coming out of those hard times or, so called in the religious world, trials.
Deciding my theme has been a bit of a challenge for me. I wanted to share through my life stories the bits knowledge that help me keep going. I also wanted to share what we truly love at our home. Which is houses and family!!! Most of all, I didn’t want to create a page where people can see my beautiful family and rave about everything we own and wish they could be us. I wanted to create a place where people can come and learn, feel inspired, and possibly be able to apply those principles to their own lives.
Some things I write you may agree with, some things you won’t. Please be nice.
Now, going back to the name of this blog. Here is where my inspiration came from. I was recently reading on   It was a talk from one of our modern prophets. I have no idea what I was doing research on, but I clearly remember how in the talk there was a section that said something along these lines: “There are quiet heroes among us that sit behind the scenes, but yet live a righteous life of service.” Right when I read that I thought of all the honorable moms that take care of their children. I thought of those regular people that so often are doing good, but tend to go unnoticed. In a certain way I felt that it sort of reminded me of how I often feel. Small and insignificant. I am not changing million of people’s lives everyday. I don’t have a fulfilling career. I have passions and dreams, but I am currently sort of postponing them to serve my three children and husband. I know we have been told that God has a plan for us, and at times I wonder if His plan for me is to just change my three kids lives here on earth. But I also know that I cannot call that insignificant. Just because we may not be living a life where we are saving and luring over millions of people, it doesn’t mean that we are worth less and that what we are doing is of lesser importance. That is something that I even struggle at accepting sometimes. But I think it is a beautiful principle. This is where the scripture that I added at the top of this page should make all sense how it fits in with this post.
We live in a world, where often times those that are doing bad things are praised, and those that are good are left behind the scenes. They say that you know you are doing something good if you are finding a lot of opposition along the way.
So in writing this blog, I want to dedicate it to those “SILENT HEROES” that do good everyday, behind the curtains, away from where everybody can see. The nice cashier at the register, the person that runs after you when you drop something, the people that always smile, and those that don’t because they are too shy. And most importantly to the moms that are dedicated and that live their lives for their children. Those that seat quietly behind the scenes, doing good in secret. This blog is for you and for me as well, and I hope that it will be able to touch you and help your life as I will share insights on nutrition, spirituality, acquiring more knowledge, dealing with life challenges, depression, minimalism, etc.
Just bear with me as I post when I can. Since I am also trying to spend my days in the hustle and bustle of my own home trying to prepare meals, clean the house, raise my kids, spend time with my husband, and dealing with the demands of everyday’s life.

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Serena Essuman


Serena Essuman

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