
How to take the first step to achieve big goals

May 16, 2018

I know that often times we don’t start things because, the task seems so overwhelming that we don’t even want to try. Like a baby that learns how to walk by crawling first, we need to give things time.

If you are new to my website I hope you will not feel overwhelmed as I post my organization tips and recipe after recipe.

Have you ever thought of something that might take let’s say 1 year to complete. The thought of going through that for so long, seems daunting and unachievable.

Have you ever looked back at a  year and wished you would have already done what would have taken you a year and make that a thing of the past?

As we speak time is already passing by. So, commit to something that you don’t necessarily want to do, and that you need in your life,  and let the time go by as you start doing it, eventually you will be able to look back and thank your past self for setting yourself up for the future.

At times we don’t commit to things because we feel inadequate. That is why I like to watch babies learn. They don’t question their value and worth. They go and are determined to learn how to walk. They will crawl or scoot for a while at first until they are ready start trying to walk. But even if they are crawling at first, they don’t care what others think, at least they are moving. Eventually they will try to get up and fall and fall and fall, and laugh at themselves sometimes, cry some others, until they master the art of walking. It takes years though. They don’t learn how to run right and jump for a few years after that.

So, to become who you want to become. You have to start with STREP 1. Take the first step.

Usually STEP 1 is actually when you have realized what you need! Do you need to be healthier? Do you need a better education? Do you need to be closer to God? Do you need to learn how to cook? Do you need more patience? Do you need more joy?

After that you find the plan that will work for what you need to do. The beauty of it is that often things will be placed in your way to help you get where you need to be. You can read one of my stories about it HERE!

Or search for that plan. I am posting some right here on my blog. Search the web, read books about it, ask people that know what they are doing. You get places with others.

Then once you find that plan, remember to not get so overwhelmed with everything there is to do that you don’t even take the first STEP. I have learned to wait a month at least to see the results of most things that I do. If I am really impatient I will check back on progress every two weeks. 🙂 Some things I seriously have to tell myself to not even think about it. When my husband and I had to buy investments and save for it, we placed it on autopilot and I didn’t even check on the money for months. When I have a baby I often don’t check on my progress with losing the baby weight for a couple of weeks. I go to the gym and then wait a week or two to check back on the results in front of the mirror :).

Ever tried to watch a plant grow by staring at it? Yeah, I have only watched it through a sped up camera for a reason.

So, remember,  if you want to be cleaner start with STEP 1. I am going to set up this website in a way for you to start with the first step with everything that I will introduce.  I will also write about the times when those things may not work.

And when times along the way where you feel discouraged come, push those thoughts away about a distant dreaded future, focus on what you can do in the now. All we have is the now after all. But we can shape a better future that we will thank ourselves for by taking that FIRST STEP.








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Serena Essuman


Serena Essuman

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